Thursday, July 7, 2011

Independece or Pride

Trading Fierce Independence
Glynnis Whitwer

“Elisha said, ‘Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few.’” 2 Kings 4:3 (NIV 2011)

Problems. I prefer to keep them to myself. Being fiercely independent, my instinct is to slam the cellar door shut at the first sign of high winds. In other words, no one’s getting in until the storm is past. I’ll let God in, no problem. But you — I keep out.

Over the years, God has challenged me on this independent approach, calling it was it is: pride.

It’s not overt arrogance, but by keeping others at a distance, it implies I’m all-sufficient and don’t need your help. Plus, the insecure little girl in me worries that if you see weakness in my life, you’ll question my competency. As so, I’ve kept to myself, creating a prideful façade of control.

That didn’t work very well, however. Repeatedly, God has called me to a place of greater interdependence with others. He’s worked miracles in my life when I’ve humbly asked for prayer. He’s broken down walls of distance when I’ve allowed people to see the real me. I’ve seen His hand move at the request of my godly friends.

It’s now obvious to me God designed us to work together. We are pieces of the same puzzle, and life makes more sense when we are connected.

There’s a story in the Old Testament that shows God’s plan for interdependence. It’s found in the book of 2 Kings and concerns a widow who had a big problem. She needed resources, but the coin jar was empty. Her husband died, leaving her with no means of support, and a pile of debts she couldn’t pay. Creditors demanded restitution. Since there was no money, they planned to take her children as slaves.

Desperate, she sought help from Elisha, a man known to be set apart for God. Elisha asked her to do something unusual: go to all her neighbors and request empty jars … lots of them. Then, she was to return home, take what little oil she had left and pour it into the jars.

The widow did as Elisha instructed. When she returned home, she started pouring. As each jar filled, her sons brought her another. They filled every borrowed jar with oil. Elisha then told her to sell the oil, pay the creditors and live off the rest. She did.

What I love about this story is that the quantity of the miracle oil was in direct proportion to the number of neighbors she asked for help. If she had asked five neighbors, that’s how much oil she would have had. Ten neighbors meant ten jars. And so on. The more people the widow asked for help, the greater God’s provision.

There’s another part of the story not told by the Bible passage, but I can’t help but wonder if it happened. At some point, the widow would have returned the borrowed jars. When she did, I imagine she would have told each neighbor what God had done for her, and how that neighbor played a part in the miracle. What a testimony that must have been!

God could have worked a miracle in any way, but He chose to involve each member of that little neighborhood. I imagine they were never the same after being part of something so amazing.

This story speaks clearly to me. God often plans to meet my needs through others. Yet if I keep my problems to myself, I might hinder His plan to bless my friends and broadcast His faithfulness. I’m learning to deny the lies of a prideful spirit in exchange for a humble plea for help. I’m trading my fierce independence for God’s plan of community.

Dear Lord, forgive me for the times I’ve kept to myself, believing I have everything necessary to solve my problems. In doing so, I may have missed Your plan for meeting my needs through others. Help me to identify pride and submit it to You. Help me to have a humble and teachable spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


When you encounter various trials...

by Taylor Johnson

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

James 1: 2-3

Studying the Word is crucial to growing in your faith. Thank you for taking that step today! These verses from James have really challenged me. Recently, life has been hitting me hard. Family relationships have been strained, finding myself as beautiful is something that lurks over my head all day, and challenging myself to love others as I am loved by the Lord. James was a bond-servant to Christ. In other words, he chose to follow Christ- not because he was "forced into it." When I am mocked or have trials and life seems rocky, I now find it a blessing in disguise. I know that the Lord will use my trials.

I want to remind you that it did not click over night for me that trials are a blessing, it took time. I encourage you to thank the Lord for your trials knowing that He will reward you for taking advantage of the trials in your life.


Are you honoring the Lord when challenged with trials? Are you thanking Him for the challenges you face, knowing He loves you?

Application Step:

Today, remember that your trials will bring you closer to the Lord. If you have to walk through the fire to get closer to the Lord- do it! The Lord knows what you can handle. Today, praise Him for the trials.


Holy Father, I pray that my heart and mind would come to You humbly, knowing that I am nothing without You. Oh, Father, I pray that today Father God, I would thank you for my trials, I pray I would seek You first when I feel overwhelmed or forgotten. Give me the desire to come to You first before seeking anyone else. Lord, today challenge me to be a bond-servant if I already not one! Father, You are beautiful! May I walk in Your ways today!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Peer Pressure

How do you handle peer pressure?

by Simi Akinwande

Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Galatians 1:10

There are times we often feel to act a certain way, say things, dress in a manner to please others or to be accepted by society. The peer pressures of this world can make us conform to the way the world lives and make us take part in those activities that are wrong. People can manipulate your thoughts and actions but ultimately the only person who has any control over your attitude and values is you.

Most times doing what is right can be seen as a cowardly act by others, however the Bible teaches that whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin (James 4:17) therefore make it a lifelong goal to learn to live faithfully for God and reject the negative influences of media, music, friends and society.

Saying NO to taking drugs, saying NO when your boyfriend asks you to go further, saying NO to cheating in that exam paper, saying NO to stealing, saying NO to lying for a friend, saying NO to racism, saying NO to injustice....the answer is YES when someone asks if you are Christian as your responses to the above is a true reflection of Christ.

Being able to stand up for what is right is only by the grace of God, so ask God to always be your mouthpiece and give you the confidence to stand up for what is right.


Do you struggle with saying or doing things to please others instead of rather doing those things which pleases God for the fear of being classified as the "odd one"?

Application Step:

Take small steps by practicing saying No without feeling guilty or apologetic and sticking to your decisions. Transform your thinking by always remembering that God's approval has more value than what the world thinks of you.


Heavenly Father, thank you for accepting me just the way I am; even with my imperfections. Lord I struggle with saying No to what I know is wrong, Father give me the boldness to stand for what is right in my everyday life, and help me turn away from what displeases you. Thank you for your constant love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Are you choosing gratitude?

Are you choosing gratitude?

by Heather Hart

Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe;

Hebrews 12:28

Have you ever just had 'one of those days'? One of those days when you were just not in a good mood, and you didn't even know why? That's where I was at today. But then I read something that made me stop, and in the end, greatly improved my mood. It wasn't anything drastic, not a funny joke, or even good news, but something simple. I read that gratitude was a choice, that I could choose it. Even if I didn't think I had anything to be grateful for, I did. We can be thankful that we don't have a canker sore, or a big pimple on our nose. We can be grateful that we don't have a broken toe or a sore throat. We can be grateful that our houses didn't burn down or that no one started a rumor about us or told a secret that was between us. We can be grateful that we know Jesus and are not going through life alone.

It's a choice. We can choose to focus on the negative, the positive, or even nothing and just walk around in 'one of those moods'... What will you choose today?


Are you choosing to get grateful, even when you aren't sure that you want to?

Application step:

Today concentrate on all the things that you have to be grateful for. When things start to go wrong, start to make a mental list of all the things going right!


Father God, I am so grateful for all that you do for me. Please forgive me for not always seeing it. Help me to do a better job. Thank you for creating me, and blessing me with such a wonderful life filled with many good things. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

What is he calling you to do?

What is He calling you to do?

Written by Julie LaJoe

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:14

The calling God gives to our lives is not always easy. Sometimes I think of Mary and the special call God gave her for her life. It could not have been easy to be a young, pregnant, unmarried woman asked to conduct the task of bearing and raising a son. But not only any son, God's son, Jesus Christ. I try to imagine how she must have felt to know that true prize of her life was in the day-to-day tasks by which God asked her to be part of His miraculous plan for mankind.

Sometimes, it warms my heart to know that all in His good timing; God is going to work out the steps of my life as I continue in the faith-walk journey I am on. It does not always seem fair or right when it seems like others my age have had things come to them easily, without arising questions or causing strain. Still, I realize that what God has in store for my life is great not in spite of but because of the trials and the uncertainties I live through.


What goal are you pressing onward toward? Is it one of your own making or one you allow God to sprout and mature in you?

Application Step:

In the day-to-day tasks that contribute to your goals in life, remember that God is also growing you toward the calling He has for you in your faith walk with Jesus. He will never ask you to do more than you can, but he does have a prize awaiting you if you tread steadfastly after Him. Remember He is the prize that is so worth the journey every day!


Father, thank you for the highest call on my life which is who I am in you, Lord. In knowing that you are with me every step of the way, I realize that my goals and movements through life can bring immense glory to you. Please help me share my daily walk with you by remembering who you are and why I serve you.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Choose your Weapon

Choose your weapon!

by Heather Hart

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
2 Corinthians 10:4

When you have a problem, where do you turn? Do you talk with a friend, or pick up a book? Maybe you go on-line. While all of those things can be helpful, they are all worldly weapons, and we are fighting a spiritual battle. We need spiritual weapons to truly win the war. There are so many strongholds the devil can have on us, we usually just write them off as having a bad temper or not handling stress well. But the truth is that we are fighting a spiritual war, and those are area's that need reinforcements!

Think about it, would you try to clean the toilet with a screwdriver, or how about trying to study for your math test using your science book? How well would that work? Probably not very well. It's the same thing with when we have problems. If we are stressed out, frustrated, angry, or worried, we need to not look to earthly things, but we need to understand that those are spiritual warfare. The devil can use all of those things against us. We need to look to God to bring us through those things. We need to turn to our spiritual weapons: our Bibles, prayer, fasting. Only spiritual weapons have the power to demolish strongholds in our lives.

Are the Bible and prayer your first choice for tools, or are they a last resort?

Application step:
Today when you have a problem, turn to God first. Pray about it, and open His book to see what He has already said about it.

Father God, thank you for giving us Your Word. Thank you for allowing us to talk to you, and for comforting us in the midst of our battles. You are an awesome God, and I am just so thankful to have a relationship with you. Help me to see things your way. Help me to recognize the battles that I'm in, and help me to choose the right weapon to deal with them. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Encouraging words?

Do your words encourage others, or put them down?

By Kaylee Harris

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29

Do any of you have siblings? Well, I have 6... all younger than me. At the end of a long day at school the last thing I want to come home to is "Sissy, will you play Barbie's?" or "Sissy, why is the sky blue and not pink?" My brothers and sisters truly test all of my limits every single day. As much as I want to scream at the top of my lungs "LEAVE ME ALONE" and lock myself in my room... I don't. There are so many times when I want to call them ugly names or be mean... but when it comes down to it, I am their hero...cooler than Mom and Dad but old enough to be the boss too. If I say things that tear them down or hurt their feelings no one benefits.

So, regardless of weather you have siblings or not... Watch your tone and words. Only let joyful things come from your mouth. Remind yourself of the simple golden rule of "Treat others how you want to be treated." (Luke 6:31) Treat others with respect, and respect and joy are sure to follow.

It is easy to say uplifting things to your friends. What kind of things do you say to people you do not like?

Application step:
Today, pretend that the words you say are to God. What would HE think about being called stupid for asking a question in class?

Dear Lord, Today help me think about what I say before I say it. I realize words are like toothpaste...once they come out, you can't put them back in. Help me to say words that bring joy to others and make me a joy to be around. Forgive me where I have failed you Lord, and help me to bring glory to You and Your kingdom. I love you Father